Fair Sponsorship Program
There are many advantages of Fair sponsorship. Supporting an exciting, old-fashioned country fair creates a positive environment, associating your company with wholesome family fun, great entertainment and pride for local family farms and agriculture. Your good will demonstrates community connectedness that is priceless. Fair sponsorship is also very cost-effective, reaching 50,000+ people with multiple impressions making its cost per exposure just pennies.
Depending on sponsorship level, you participate in a major marketing initiative that includes: billboards, radio exposure, press releases, newspaper ads, fair passes, daily program, vendor space, Fair web site, and event banners.
Fair Overview
Sponsorship Advantages
Positive Environment
Your company is associated at the Fair with:
Good Will
Sponsorship Opportunities — Levels
Sponsorship Benefits
Your company is associated at the Fair with:
For further details, email or call: 518-444-FAIR
Absolutely love this fair! Try to go every year!
– Jessika V.
Columbia County Fair very interesting and fun!
– Mary C.
Always a nice time with friends and family.
– Lori C.